About Zest Mobile App
Exciting news! We are thrilled to announce the launch of Zest Mobile, our revolutionary lifestyle mobile app that offers more than just a banking experience. This app is designed to transform the way you manage your lifestyle and finances, and its completely bank-agnostic, providing you with unparalleled flexibility and convenience.
Freedom to pay how you want
•Card Options (Mastercard, Visa, Verve)
•USSD - supports up to 18 banks
•Stanbic IBTC Bank @ease wallet
Freedom to pay for what you want
•Airtime and Data subscriptions
•Cable TV subscriptions
•Internet subscriptions
•Electricity Payments (prepaid & postpaid)
•Travels & Entertainments
•Government Payments (taxes, levies, fees)
•Insurance and other financial services payments
•Virtual Cards (prepaid)
•Rewards, loyalty, and discounts
Other capabilities that will be deployed in subsequent releases include:
•More Payment options - eNaira etc
•Personalisation - dark & light mode, colour selection, etc.
•Educational subscriptions
•Payments for health and medical services
•Scheduled and Recurring Payments
Getting Started
Simply download the app and select Create Account.
1. Enter your First Name and Last Name
2. Provide your email address & phone number
3. Select your gender and provide your Date of Birth, and
4. Set your password
5. Validate request with OTP sent to your phone number and email address.